Dooo Software Installation

Please proceed step by step with proper data according to instructions

Before starting the installation process please collect this information. Without this information, you won’t be able to complete the installation process

Required Database Information
Where to get this information ?
Database Name
Database Password
Database Username
Database Host Name

Are you ready to start installation process ?

Get Started
Step 1.
Check & Verify Extensions/File Permissions
Required Database Information
PHP Version 8.0+
Curl Enabled
MySQLi Connect
Allow URL Fopen
Date Timezone

All the extensions are enabled and loaded successfully ?

Proceed Next
Step 2.
Update Purchase Information

Provide your username of codecanyon & the purchase code (register your purchase code here first)

Please enter a valid username.

Please enter a valid purchase key.

Step 3.
Update Database Information

Provide your database information.

Step 4.
Import Database

Your Database has been connected ! Just click on the section to automatically import database

Step 5.
Admin Account Settings

These information will be used to create super admin credential" for your admin panel.

Configure the following setting to run the system properly
  • Android Setting
  • MAIL Setting
  • Cron Setting
  • Payment Gateway Configuration
  • Notification Setting